Sunday 7 July 2019

Revisiting Kodak Vision3 500T with proper ECN-2 developer

I found an ebay seller that had bought a 100L kit and partitioned it up in smaller quantities for resale so I picked up 1L kit from him. The kit was composed of three small bottles A,B and C to which water was added to make 1L. I decided to make 1L in one go and then split it over to 500ml packages of working solution. Nowadays I use foiled spout bag to store working solution and mix up all chemicals at one. The foiled spout bags are oxygen tight and they can be compressed so that no air is at the top when closing the cap. So far this method has worked well for me with C41 developer. Lets see if it works for the 2nd 500ml bag of ECN2 I have.

Back to the topic, I decided to write this small piece up as I still wanted to get the Kodak Vision3 500T to work to my satisfaction. If you read my review of different motion picture films developed in RA4 I was not so impressed with Kodak Vision3 500T but I wanted to give it a second chance with the proper developer.

After two rolls through my Fuji DL-200, I can say my apetite for this film has grown. Colours are better when developed in proper ECN2 developer than with RA4. As I shoot it in a P&S I have no 85A/B filter on for daylight photography.

The film is very tolerant and you will be able to shoot it at a wide range of scenarios but it is clearly optimized to warmer light. Bright daylight does not render the best colours with it.

Lets have a look at some samples.
Indoor, Vision3 500T looks great to me:

Darker settings. Note that that these are taken with Fuji DL-200 with fill-in flash pressed and flash supressor on so they should be 1/40s f2.8.

Evening light, why not:

 Overcast in the woods:

Bright day light (without filter), less impressive ...

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